Grand Canyon North Rim

Grand Canyon North Rim Cape Royal

About Grand Canyon North Rim

With multiple stunning locations along the North Rim to choose from, this is a perfect choice for ceremonies with a small number of guests.


Facts and infos

  • Open from 15 May through 15 october  (closed during winter)
  • Special Use Permit required: Official Information
  • Early reservation recommended (there is only one event per day allowed on a viewpoint)

To get married in the Grand Canyon a permit is necessary, the permit process require a minimum of 4-6 weeks. Do not wait until the last minute for your booking. It is possible that complex special events require more than 2 or 3 months to process.


Outdoor wedding locations:

  • Cape Royal Amphitheater, accomodates up to 40 people
  • Point Imperial viewpoint, highest viewpoint along the rim. Viewpoint accomodates up to 10 people, nearby picnic area holds up to 20 people.

Indoor wedding locations:

  • No indoor sites for receptions available


Wedding packages available:

  • Update:

    We currently don't take on any new bookings for Grand Canyon. See our packages offered to Southern Arizona in the Tucson and Phoenix area.


  May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct
High (°F) 62 73 77 75 69 59
Low (°F) 34 40 46 45 39 31
High (°C) 17 23 25 24 21 15
Low (°C) 1 4 8 7 4 -1


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